Dance Deck V.1
With the introduction of the dancing gaming systems here in the states there has been huge growth with in the community. The problem that anyone who is truly interested in the fitness gaming revolution will face at some time is the gross difference between the home console and arcade dance …

The Mini Fridge Case Mod
I never really understood the mentality of someone that overclocked there computer for actual every day use. Sure, I have overclocked the hell out of computers and had a lot of fun doing it. It can give you a great edge in the gamming circles. But this group of overclockers …

Quick DIY Vibrating Lock Pick
Often when it comes to true invention and discovery, crossing the line of ethics of the day leads to great discoveries. There seems to be several areas of humanity that create social boundaries preventing discoveries of all types. Lets all take a moment to reflect on the nature of humanity.. …

Force Feedback Racing Simulator
I remember when I was younger taking a family trip to Universal Studios Hollywood. While the experience was overall a snore, there was this one ride that really captured my imagination: Back to the Future. For those who don’t know, its a Delorean simulator with a back to the future …